A person paying with cash bills

If you’ve never been inside a pawn shop, you might underestimate the vast array of goods that people pawn for cash or sell outright every day. It’s one of the reasons we encourage locals to stop by and take a look around. You may discover there is something valuable at home that could contribute to your contingency fund for your rainy day needs.

1. Your Vintage Rolex

People pay a pretty penny for an authentic Rolex, whether for their durability, unique features, or ability to tell you the time while deep sea diving. There’s just something about these watches that are irresistible in certain circles. 

Pro tip: When one is in current demand, you might get a higher percentage of its selling price.

2. Your Wedding Ring from Marriage #1

Bad memories weighing you down? Maybe it’s time to perform some feng shui at home and get rid of your old wedding ring (or band). Gold, platinum and diamond rings are among the most valuable items that come through the doors of pawn shops, and also the most common. 

If you have hit hard times financially, they can also serve as collateral on loans when you need cash in a pinch. Once the loan is paid back (with previously agreed upon interest), you can retrieve the item and put it back in that drawer, or on your finger, provided you meet the terms of your agreement.

3. Those Power Tools Collecting Dust in Your Garage

If you haven’t touched that power saw in the corner of your garage, you probably never will. But there is a guy in downward facing dog somewhere manifesting it right now. He is ready to pay cold, hard cash for the tools of his dreams – money that you will also have more of once you clear out your garage.

4. Families’ Gold Jewelry and Gemstones No One Wears

Some family heirlooms were meant to be set free. A gold bracelet with a clasp that no longer works or outdated bejeweled broach will still be valuable to your local pawner. Those precious metals and gemstones typically maintain their value even if the settings they’re in are no longer in good shape, making them the most sought-after items pawn shops receive – and the ones that yield the most cash for sellers and loanees.

5. Artwork or Flat Screen TV Taking Up Precious Wall Space

Don’t wait for the next cicada cycle to unload some of your more obsolete belongings. That includes items taking up precious wall space, like that piece of artwork that you were told is valuable but never really did it for you.

Likewise for flat screens and other electronics that you no longer use and love like before. People move on from electronics pretty fast these days. But don’t underestimate the allure of aging-but-still-functional devices to communities who are into that kind of thing. What’s more, pawn shops like Fullterton Pawners in Chicago may be able to repair your laptop, TV or stereo that you no longer use so someone else can. 

6. Electric Guitars and Other Musical Instruments

Those congas aren’t going to play themselves. Musical instruments are great, until they become a household burden and a reminder that your drum circle days are behind you. Fortunately, musical instruments still hold quite a bit of value for all the budding rock gods out there, making them an ideal pawn. 

Fullerton Pawners in Chicago Is Known for Fair Prices & Reputable Services

The team at Fullerton Pawners is always up for a chat with newcomers. We can let you know how the process works and maybe save you some time before you start hauling around your banjo collection to find the highest bidder.

Contact Fullerton Pawners online or call us at 773-637-9999 to get your questions answered today!

Illinois Pawn Association National Pawnbrokers Association Chicago Jewelers' Association IWJG
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